The Crew


His real name limited to only a few knowledgeable sages in the tundras of Northern Europe – Is one of our Game Masters. Self proclaimed Adonis and Hair-God.

Places with temperatures higher than +10 Celsius.

Doctor Pepper


This sword wielding egomaniac from the Freezing Wet Northlands of the UK think he is the star of the show. Only in an alternate reality perhaps entertained as an theoretical concept at most. Also the designated Recapper for Babylon project

Likes: Barr Cola, Swords, The Sound of his own Voice, History and reading

Dislikes: Recent purchases of my RPG wife back on Centauri Prime without consulting my poor character. Dr Pepper or Root Beer (Sorry American fans)


The bleary (but steely!) eyed (nominal) captain of the group hails from the far Antipodes, and makes great temporal sacrifices to lead the brave men, women and assorted others of his crew.

Likes: Cinnamon Coffee, Defraying Costs, Cunning Plans.

Dislikes: People sitting in his Captain’s Chair, Italian Renaissance Art, Changes to Daylight Savings.

Dr Spook13

Dr Spook13 is a bohemian who hails from the “land of the free, home of the brave”. He is a jack of all trades and a master of none in the realm of entertainment. His venture in performing arts include playing in live bands, acting on stage, writing short stories, and, once in 1984, The Undertaker threw Mankind off “Hell In A Cell”, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.

Likes: Music by Metallica and Beethoven, stories that make you “feel”, Wabi Sabi, and that feeling you get when you make someone smile.

Dislikes: Cancer, bullies, and waking up early in the morning. Mondays too… Just, all of Monday. Can’t stand them.